Pocket Bonding Press Video
It is used to fix the pockets of the products made of woven and knitted fabrics by ironing after sewing or after bonding and fixing the bonding process applied.
Thanks to the specially designed upper and lower molds, the product does not slip while pressing.
Thanks to the ironing system with Air Bag, high efficiency is achieved at very low pressures, so it definitely does not deform the fabrics.
It can be adapted to different models thanks to its replaceable molds.
Printing temperature and time settings can be adjusted according to the product to be ironed.
The bottom mold is high vacuum.
The vacuum motor is adapted inside the machine and has the capacity to generate high vacuum.
It has a vacuum cooling system.
Thanks to the specially designed resistances and the upper pressing head, the ironing allows the heat to spread homogeneously to the surfaces.
Easy to use thanks to the digital display
Hourly and daily production report can be obtained from the screen.
Thanks to the smart fault finding system, the faults in the machine are detected on the screen.
It provides precise heat adjustment and energy saving thanks to the specially produced resistors and computerized heat control system.
All kinds of safety precautions have been taken for the user on the machine.
The machine is PLC control.
The machine has CE certificate.